
SICPA High Standards Recognised by Awards

SICPA High Standards Recognised by Awards at 4th Tax Stamp Forum

During Reconnaissance International’s 4th Tax Stamp Forum which was held in June 3-5th in Vienna, Austria, SICPA received several "Excellence in Tax Stamps Awards" demonstrating SICPA’s leadership in the tax stamp arena.


In the "Best Tax Stamp Programme" category, the Jury awarded the second place to SICPA and its partner Canadian Bank Note Company, for the new Canada Revenue Agency Tobacco Excise Tax Stamp.


The Canadian Excise Stamp Program is unique in that it provides 110 distinctive stamp types with advanced security features for 11 different tobacco product types in 10 different jurisdictions. Such stamps affixed at the time of manufacturing combine material security features and covert information based security features that can only be authenticated by a proprietary device. That new tax stamp regime was developed and implemented in response to the requirements established by the Canadian Department of Justice - Jobs and Economic Growth Act (Bill C-9).


In the "Best Design" category, the Jury awarded the first place to the new Mexican liquor and spirits Tax Stamps, for which SICPA provides inks and technology to Talleres de Impresion de Estampillas y Valores – TIEV.


SICPA was also given an "Industry Achievement Award" for its lifetime contribution to the industry and for pioneering advances in excise tax stamp programmes.


More details on the 4th Tax Stamp Forum awards:



SICPA Security Solutions SA
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Av de Florissant 41, 1008 Prilly, Switzerland