
Referred by a friend already working at SICPA Chile, Jairo Alencar was thrilled to join the company as a Field Service Technician in September 2012. With his technical degree in hand, Jairo had a new direction for his career. Working at SICPA gave him the chance be in contact with other countries, other cultures and changed his outlook for the future considerably. 

Jairo Alencar

Why did you join SICPA? What convinced you to join SICPA?

What convinced me to join SICPA was the deeply-rooted history and values that the company demonstrates. And also, the link between its activities and technology, security and the development of solutions to make the world safer.

What were your previous experiences before joining?

I did not have many years of professional experience. Before joining SICPA I started working in a bank in Systems Support while I was still at university. My role there was to give support to various systems and solutions.

Why do you enjoy working at SICPA?

I appreciate everything about this company. The numerous development opportunities offered, the innovative environment in which we evolve every day as well the different benefits provided by SICPA. 

What did SICPA bring to you professionally and personally?

Working at SICPA changed my vision of the world. Indeed, in my previous employment, I was dealing only with people from my country and did not have many chances to meet people from different parts of the world.

At SICPA, I have the chance every day to meet people from other countries, people who have grown up in different cultures which helps me broaden my horizons. Indeed, over the past years, I experienced a significant professional and personal growth on my journey, which has really changed my vision and perspectives for the future. 

« Dedication, commitment and responsibility towards the company are essential for professional and personal development! » Jairo Alencar

Describe your typical working day at SICPA?

The main objective of my work is to ensure that all systems are working properly to deliver the best experience possible to our clients. Therefore, my daily job consists of monitoring these systems to ensure the standard level of excellence of SICPA. To be able to do that in the best circumstances, my day-to-day work also includes research and innovation. 

Could you describe a team project which you are particularly proud of?

In a typical day at SICPA, I have the chance to interact with many teams on different projects and I am proud of every single one of them. However, the most challenging for me was a deployment project in Chile for which I was responsible for creating a local IT operational team. I am very proud to have been able to put this in place and provide support and leadership to this great team.  

What kind of interactions do you experience between teams, departments or even countries in your daily work at SICPA?

I am regularly in contact with different teams in different countries such as Ecuador, Switzerland or the US. Some interactions are related to technical issues or improvements, meanwhile other are related to customers’ requirements, follow-ups or solution monitoring. It is a very nice feeling to be able to work so easily with people around the world, unifying our efforts to achieve our common goals. 

Jairo Alencar

What are the dimensions you like the most in your job at SICPA?

As I previously said, since I began working at SICPA, I grew a lot. This possibility of learning every day within the organisation in a multicultural environment is the dimension that I like the most in my job. 

According to you, what are the key soft skills necessary in your job?

Teamwork, flexibility and adaptability are key skills to do this job successfully. But it also needs a large dose of dedication and passion to be able to always move forward, as in any other position. 

What was your dream job while growing up?

For a very long time, I dreamed of becoming a pilot. I've always had a great affinity for airplanes. Growing up, my dream gradually moved on, but my love of aeroplanes remained intact. To this day, I am always very happy to get on a plane just like when I was a kid.

How do you manage your professional and personal life?

Sometimes my professional and personal life are connected. Indeed, SICPA has become like my family. More than co-workers, they have really become true friends for me and my associates. They will stay in my life, far beyond the context of SICPA. 

If you could choose only three words to describe SICPA and your daily life at SICPA, what would they be?

Innovative, Challenging and Welcoming
