Visão geral das soluções
Como líder fornecedor de soluções de segurança para governos ao longo dos anos, a SICPA aprendeu com a experiência
que a fraude existe em toda a cadeia de fornecimento de combustíveis, gerando consistentemente enormes perdas de receita para os governos.
Diferenças nos preços dos combustíveis e na complexidade da cadeia de suprimentos entre países vizinhos muitas vezes facilitam o surgimento de várias formas de fraude.
Ao utilizar a Solução de Integridade de Combustíveis (FIS, na sigla em inglês) da SICPA, os governos podem reduzir o contrabando e a evasão fiscal, além de etiquetar fisicamente todos os combustíveis em todo o país para rastrear o movimento e o volume, diminuindo assim as interrupções na cadeia de suprimentos. Cada elo pode ser protegido.

SICPA’s Fuel Integrity Solution is a turnkey service for governments that includes marking, field inspection, 360 monitoring and reporting capabilities. At every stage, our solution guarantees the supply chain integrity to ensure that fuel products comply with tax legislation and stipulated quality standards.
From the marking of all locally produced or imported products to precise and accurate forensic field inspection capabilities and centralised data monitoring, the implementation of SICPA’s Fuel Integrity Solution delivers results right from the start, with benefits proven in many countries.
Our solution consists of a variety of modules to ensure a secure fuel supply chain:
- Forensic markers are introduced into the fuels, by injection or manual dispensing at fuel distribution points in the supply chain.
- Markers are adapted to all types of hydrocarbons and do not alter the quality specifications of the fuels
- Markers have no impact on the engines, human health, or the environment.
- Collect data from secure marking and custody transfers
- Conduct simple, fast and reliable field inspections.
- Provide on-the-spot and immediate quantitative test results.
- Generate court admissible evidence for effective law enforcement.
- Collect and analyse data for risk analysis and fraud hot spot detection.
- Enable the consignee to protect himself without the assistance of a third party.
- On-the-spot, easy-to-use, quantitative analysis for traders.
- Protect traders by reducing the risk of accepting illicit fuel.
- Enable visibility of all fuel stock levels at each point of the supply chain (, depots, transportation means, gas stations).
- Gain visibility of fuel transactions at every point of the supply chain.
- Designed for business intelligence, advanced data analytics and anomaly detection.
- Monitor the impact of the fuel integrity program, enabling competent authorities to easily track compliance and enforcement performance.
Within these modules, we offer a variety of technologies that respond to the individual needs of each country and fuel supply chain. We protect Governments, Traders and Citizens alike.