Digital Identity - Facts and Figures_3

Facts and figures

The simple fact of being identified is impossible for part of humanity

However, official identity data and credentials are essential for accessing numerous public and private services in society today


Starting from birth registration all the way to death certification, daily living in our communities revolves around foundational physical identity documents that enable access to education, health and social benefits, finance and commerce activities over a lifetime. 


Yet, millions of people are excluded from these services due to the lack of having a formal ID.


lack an official proof of identity

1 in 4

under the age of 5 do not officially exist

1 in 2

in low-income countries has no ID


do not have essential forms of official identification

1 in 3

without an ID are struggling to receive public financial support

46 %

of adults in low-income countries do not have an ID due to documentary requirements

  • Among adults living in low-income countries, 44% say they don’t have an ID because of the distance to registration points, and 40% because of the prohibitive costs in obtaining one
  • Only 24,9 % of the countries enable people to apply or file for unemployment benefits online
  • 30,1% of the countries provide a digital option for those needing to apply for social protection programs such as maternity care, child subsidies, pensions, housing or food allowances
  • 163 countries have ID systems using digital technologies, reinforcing the need for robust privacy and data protection safeguards
  • 53,4% of the countries provide free Internet access through kiosks, community centres, post offices, libraries, public spaces or free Wi-Fi

How can governments 

foster best-in-class 

digital identity 

in the 21st century?