Cross-border issuance and verification of credentials
Building tangible bridges between different self-sovereign Digital Identity approaches facilitates adoption of privacy-protecting communication and collaboration tools.

Combine data governance and decentralisation
To enable faster, more secure and integrated transactions over the Internet, nationally and cross-border, significant improvements are required in how data is exchanged, managed and communicated between decentralised national and international authorities.
SICPA’s action
Help build a trusted, inclusive new generation Internet
The project focused on the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) use case and the integration of the EU’s eIDAS digital signature to speed up electronic transactions and make them more secure, in support of the European Commission’s Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative.
SICPA proposed three technology building blocks to enhance interoperability and scalability. Freedom of choice between verifiable credentials exchange protocols enables companies to select the best technical option for their own ecosystem and use case.
Interoperability at domestic and international levels
Using the health card as an example, the project showed how identity solutions can be successfully developed to manage and verify the secure digital equivalent to today’s physical credentials.
The use case is applicable for a wide range of credentials (residence permits, ID documents, driving licences, visas et al.) at global and regional levels, between national authority domains and cross-borders.
Project milestones:
Start: October 2020
Delivery: June 2021