Compliance SICPA ISO 37001

ISO 37001 Certification

Since 2021, SICPA's Anti-Bribery Management System has been ISO 37001 certified.


Between 6 and 9 February 2023, a regular surveillance audit was carried out to ensure that our Anti-Bribery Management System remains in compliance with the ISO standard.


SICPA successfully passed this surveillance audit: 0 non-conformities


The ISO 37001 certification is an important milestone in our Compliance Program. It is a recognition of all our efforts at SICPA to prevent, detect and combat corruption.


About ISO 37001 
ISO 37001 is the International Standard that enables organisations to prevent, detect and address bribery through policy review, anti-bribery compliance, training, risk assessments and due diligence on projects and business partners, financial and commercial controls, and reporting and investigation procedure.