Digital Identity - A privilege for many, a need for all

DIGITAL IDENTITY A privilege for many, a need for all

Every day billions of people juggle multiple logins and passwords in order to access different government-run and private sector services. They often take time-saving but risky shortcuts that can undermine privacy and security.


More than a billion people face exclusion from vital public services because they lack any official form of official identity, be it a residence permit, health record, driving license, passport or social security number.


As society rapidly digitises, the need for best digital identity must be addressed urgently by governments who are the guarantors of people’s foundational identity. 

Seamless and Agile Digital Identity

People’s lives can be improved through easier access to government-run and essential private services in society today.


Common and unified access to public and private services is the purpose of a universal, consent-based digital identity that places people at the heart of the solution.


The promise of a secure digital identity solution that enables secure verification of a person’s real identity, online and offline, is the cornerstone for widespread onboarding and adoption.