Global Currency Forum

Launch of the first ICA conference – Global Currency Forum

As members of the Internationl Currency Association (ICA), SICPA has the pleasure to announce the launch of the first ICA conference – Global Currency Forum – in Barcelona, Spain from 21-24 September 2020.

The 2020 Global Currency ForumTM marks the debut of a not-for-profit conference owned by ICA board and members and organised in the best interests of currency stakeholders.


The aim is to create a high-quality, high-value discussion forum, addressing key issues of different aspects of currency developments, from policies, technologies to circulation as well as the concerns of all industry stakeholders.


As indicated by the ICA press release, Global Currency ForumTM is a visionary move to focus on the evolution of currency and its benefits in a rapidly changing payment landscape. The forum strives for creating a dynamic setting and a modern format that will foster information exchange, stimulate inspiring content and fruitful debate, and share learning and best practice.